Regenerating Liberation Workshop Series

Dear Friends,

We invite you to participate in an online four-part Regenerating Liberation Workshop Series this Fall. 2024 will be another pivotal year; reflection, connection, and hope will ground and fuel us for the year ahead. What kind of a leader do you want to be in 2025? How will you lead powerfully to enact change? How will you lead without perpetuating dominance?  

You will answer these questions this Fall. The Regenerating Liberation Workshop Series will help you unpack and heal from the Culture of Dominance, a culture that severs your connection to your history, yourself, other people, and the natural environment. Then, you will identify ways to regenerate your personal Culture of Liberation. 

We anchor the workshops using the Towards Liberation guide that recognizes and celebrates liberatory cultures and ways of being from the past and present. The workshops will hold the frameworks of power, anticolonial and fluid ways of thinking, moving from “perfectionism and control” to “acknowledgment and working-with” our values and context. Colibri facilitators will support participants to practice embodiment and connection to the natural environment to engage in honest conversations that stretch us all. 

The series will take place online from August through October 2024, and the sign-up fee is on a sliding scale. We are offering two affinity spaces: one for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and another for people who identify as white. The workshop dates are as follows:

  • BIPOC affinity Cohort Dates: 

    • 8/28, 3-5 PM PT/ 6-8 PM ET

    • 9/11, 3-5 PM PT/ 6-8 PM ET

    • 9/25, 3-5 PM PT/ 6-8 PM ET

    • 10/10, 3-5 PM PT/ 6-8 PM ET

  • White affinity Cohort Dates:

    • 9/18, 3-5 PM PT/ 6-8 PM ET

    • 10/2 3-5 PM PT/ 6-8 PM ET

    • 10/16 3-5 PM PT/ 6-8 PM ET

    • 10/30 3-5 PM PT/ 6-8 PM ET

We aim to create a learning environment for participants to share fully by hosting two separate spaces. You can pre-register for either by clicking on the appropriate link below. Pre-registration is open until Friday, July 26th. We hope you can join us! 


Mirella, Lina, and Maddie

P.S. We encourage you to forward this invitation to other leaders

Image information and description: The header for this blog shows an image of a black and white image of a coyote looking at the viewer with the city landscape of Oakland’s Lake Merrit in the background.


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