Our Work

Our work aims to build a sustainable, healthy and liberated society. We bring deep commitment to quality, integrity, and transparency in all our partnerships.

What it’s like working with us

  • Thanks to Colibri's responsive and collaborative support, we've built a strong capacity for DEI-focused reflection and conversation among individuals with varying awareness of privilege, oppression, and racism. Whether your organization is new to DEI or experienced, I highly recommend Colibri.

    Rawna Romero, Grateful Heart, Former Executive Director and Clinical Director

  • Working with Colibri was an eye opening and personally challenging growth experience. Their expertise in guiding people through equity work was very much appreciated and what our organization needed at this time in our equity journey. The space and grace they modeled for us will be exponentially useful as we continue understanding who we are as an org and what we want to be for our clients.

    Michael Savoy, Teach Plus, Vice President of Programs

  • The Colibri team jumped into our district back to school fall reopening planning process midstream and were able to quickly adapt and connect deeply with our community stakeholders. They led a landscape mapping and community engagement process that had integrity, centered equity, and did this WITH student and family leadership as partners in the work. They also collected and synthesized quantitative data efficiently and gave us what we needed to write a draft plan. They really helped us integrate community voice on such a tight timeline.

    Matthew Duffy, Superintendent West Contra Costa Unified School District