We provide opportunities for leaders and teams experiencing change to get clear and stay grounded in their shared purpose, create extraordinary partnerships, and develop smart plans. By partnering with Colibrí, you will deepen your impact, center your work in equity, and nurture a more adaptive and resilient culture.

Our Services


    Your everyday actions must align with your commitment to equity, impact, and liberation. Our DEI framework weaves in concepts of power, nonviolent communication, and transformative justice.

    We can help you and your organization develop an equity-centered strategic plan to address the opportunities and challenges of this historical time.


    Your organization can be more effective than the sum of its parts. We work with you and your team to assess and develop your programs and organization to ensure you can make big changes, your unique elements are complementary and coordinated, and you are working toward your intended impact.


    You can’t do this alone and you need a team that is always stretching and growing its skills. Through coaching and facilitated conversations, we can help individuals and teams create courageous spaces to practice and develop the skills to be successful and adaptive.


    The most powerful solutions come from those who are most impacted. We help you listen to the voices closest to the problem, build capacity and connection with those voices, and achieve enduring relationships and plans. The initial investment in doing this might feel difficult given all the competing needs, but your plan will outlive any one person or group of people.



We believe that real solutions incorporate multiple perspectives and are designed by those most impacted by the problem. We commit to nurturing strong relationships as we explore and design for impact.


We believe that trust is essential for thriving partnerships and organizations. We commit to actively communicating and assessing our progress towards our shared objectives.


We believe in sustaining ourselves and our community by taking the seemingly small actions that create ground shifting changes. We commit to doing practical, relevant work that lives past our engagement with teams.


We believe in the ongoing process of accepting and appreciating everyone and everything around us. We commit to recognizing and acting in accordance with our individual gifts, valuing how we are each sacred and honoring our kinship.


We co-define our intended impact and pair our curiosity with action. We commit to growing our capacity as individuals and as a team so we can integrate creative and enduring solutions.


We believe that our values should determine our actions. Committing to taking actions based on who we say we are and our stated objectives, and to acknowledging when we are out of integrity so that we can grow. 


We are resourceful and whole. We take care of ourselves and each other. We put health and safety first by supporting each other to take care of our bodies, minds, and spirits for the long-run.


We accept that our road may not be linear. We prioritize clarity and alignment in our mission and objectives and are flexible in how we arrive there.

About Our Process

“Colibrí honored our team's fears, questions, and diverse perspectives in planning with an equity focus. They ensured a thoughtful process with deep engagement of staff and our strategic planning committee, and provided transformative insights from members of our community whose voices may not have been heard in the past. This transformative work has uplifted and inspired our staff to continue to build upon our learning and to move forward in implementing recommendations from our community.”

— Keri Butkevich

Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir, Executive Director

“The Colibrí Collaborative team are a principled group of facilitators. Their superpower above all else is holding down space to allow you to have the conversations you need to have. Colibrí were accountable, principled, and creative in helping us get to deeper clarity on leadership and decision making at our organization.”

— Steven Renderos

MediaJustice, Executive Director

“We brought in Colibrí to help facilitate us through discussions and decision-making about our organizational structure for long term sustainability. They were skilled at acknowledging and naming how power played out in our dynamics and pushed the group to address hard questions, keeping the mission at the center of our decision-making. We would not have been able to identify a path forward without their skilled planning and facilitation.”

— Shawn Gerth

EducareSV, Executive Director

Partner with us.

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how we can help you powerfully navigate the change you want to see. Click on the green button below.