
L Mirella Rangel L Mirella Rangel

Regenerating Liberation Workshop Series

2024 will be another pivotal year; reflection, connection, and hope will ground and fuel us for the year to come. What kind of a leader do you want to be in 2025? How will you lead powerfully to enact change? How will you lead without perpetuating dominance? We invite you to participate in a four-part Regenerating Liberation Workshop Series this upcoming Fall.

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L Mirella Rangel L Mirella Rangel

Strategic Planning Webinar

We've seen an increased need for organizations to refresh their strategic plans. Many are still navigating the volatile political context and social challenges from COVID-19. They are unsure about how to proceed with a commitment to their staff, community impact, and justice. Strategic plans help you navigate these challenges purposefully and effectively. Nonprofit Quarterly (NPQ) has invited me to be on a webinar panel, Setting Bold Strategy: Relevant Approaches to Strategy and Strategic Planning. I hope you can join!

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